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6 Tips To Help Grow a Killer Moustache

You don’t have to look beyond Hollywood to see that Moustaches are (rightfully) making a major comeback. Stars like The Witchers Henry Cavill and Babylon’s Brad Pitt have been spotted sporting their own lip fuzz in recent months and we’re in full support. 

If you’re thinking of giving it a go yourself, here are some tips from to consider before making a start so you look more like Charles Bronson and less like Hulk Hogan (Sorry, Hulk).

Give it time

Train, don’t trim. As with all hair, your moustache isn’t going to grow overnight. You need to give it time to grow before you start trying to shape it. Make sure you’re brushing it daily and training the hair to fall in the right direction. 

Pick your style and work on it 

You probably have an idea of the style you want to go for. Maybe it’s the Handlebar? Or something a bit more day-to-day like the Halfway House. Whatever it is, you need to make sure you’re working on it. Whilst you’re letting it grow, you will want to keep the shape which will likely mean keeping the strays at bay with a clipper. You might also need a wax to keep those longer top lip hairs out of your mouth (nobody needs that).

Don’t believe the myths

The idea of cutting your moustache regularly to encourage growth is a complete myth. By doing this, you’re simply slowing down the process. Sure, it’s fine to trim the ends and maintain the shape, but anything beyond that will just mean you’ll be waiting longer to sport that handlebar stache. 

Wash and condition it… really 

Seems obvious, but you’ll be surprised how many guys avoid giving their facial hair the same attention they give the hair on their head. Washing and conditioning your moustache (and beard) 2-3 times a week will keep the hair clean, and soft whilst helping to prevent it from drying out. 

Product, we love you

We’d recommend using a vitamin-rich beard oil to keep your stache looking healthy and the skin underneath moisturised. As mentioned above, it’s important to keep it clean, so use a Beard Shampoo & Conditioner. Lastly, use a wax to keep your shape. Similar to a clay or pom which you might use on your hair, a wax will help keep your moustache styled throughout the day. 

Appreciate the attention

The best moustaches are a head turner. They set you apart from the crowd - so be prepared for the attention you and your newly grown facial asset are about to get!




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