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The Best Way To Get Surfer Hair Without The Beach

The days are getting longer and the Easter eggs have been devoured, which can only mean one thing - though it’s still pi**sing it down - it’s time to start thinking about summer holidays. 

The Easyjet and BA websites are constantly being refreshed on our phone browsers, the gym memberships are being reignited and the barbecues are preparing to head out from the gloomy back corners of the garage.

Summer holidays mean different things to different people; for some it’s an active, action-packed extravaganza of cycling, hiking or climbing whilst for others it’s a chance to relax and recharge in the sunshine with a cold drink of choice in hand. Whatever your ideal vacation, there is one trademark image which stands above all others when the time comes to brush the dust off your suitcase; the beach. 

Who doesn’t dream of heading out of the ocean with sun kissed skin, an effortless beach body and perfectly salty, tousled locks? Well, we can’t help with the body or the tan, but we can offer our advice on the hair. 

In fact, we can do one better, with the annual holiday for most still being a few months away we can give you some tips on how to achieve the look and feel of surfer hair without the beach. That way when the precious time does come then you’ll be a beach hair pro; and in the meantime you’ll be giving off big summer vibes in the office. Win-win. 

Salt Spray

We thought we’d start at the most obvious point. What is the sea predominantly made of (aside from raw sewage in Southern Water regions)? Yep, salt and water. And, unsurprisingly, it’s the salt that gives your hair that unique gritty, lived-in texture when you make your way out of the waves. 

Unfortunately, when away from the beach, it’s not as simple as just chucking a spoonful of Maldon into some H20 and letting loose on your thatch. The key ingredients need to be carefully balanced and stabilised along with some other nifty bits being added. Thankfully, many companies (Ruffians included) have done the hard work for you and created salt spray. Basically, beach in a bottle.

Added to damp hair it gives bulk and volume and enhances the natural movement of your follicles. You can dry hair naturally or with a hair dryer (more on that later) to achieve Point Break level locks in the comfort of your suburban bedroom. Further products such as paste or clay can be added further down the line to enhance your look further if preferred.

Shop our salt spray for textured hair here

Hair Powder 

Sticking with the product theme, there’s a new kid on the block which adds yet more grit and density (and subsequently beach) to your hair in the form of hair powder. 

It’s a mysterious styling aid that initially looks like talc in the hand and smoke in the hair but does big things when worked into the strands. 

Salt spray is the business if you’re lucky enough to have a good, wavy head of hair to enhance, however, it won’t work miracles for those with finer, limper or straighter hair. Hair powder, on the other hand, may do. 

Unlike it’s runnier sibling, hair powder works best when added to dry hair and gives unbeatable bulk and disruption as if you’ve just landed in the beach bar after a long day of riding the waves of Bondi, even if you’re stuck in Basildon.

Diffuser Attachment 

Us hair people are strong advocates of the humble hair dryer. Chances are you’ve not escaped our chairs without having us wax lyrical about the added volume and shape they can offer at least once. 

Well, chances are most hardcore surfers don’t share our passion for these handheld powerhouses. I mean, there’s not much point in getting handy with a brush when you’re heading in and out of the sea everyday. However, if you’re not one of the lucky few who can feel the sand amongst their toes on the reg, you’ll probably still need one to avoid leaving the house with sodden hair. 

To achieve dry, naturally styled hair without it looking too neat or preened your best bet is by using a diffuser attachment. They’re an odd looking bit of kit but pretty cheap and easy to use. Just place it on the head and lightly move around, using your fingers to push hair between the pins as required. It’ll look like your barnet has been left to air dry, but you’ll avoid the annoyance of wet hair.  

Go For A Longer Style

As the mercury rises, the temptation for many is to shear their locks shorter than usual, however, the best beach-y styles rely on a bit of length and body. 

If you’re used to wearing your hair short and neat on the back and sides then it can be difficult to move into the longer, softer look for fear of looking or feeling unkempt. Fear not though, for there are many benefits to embracing the grow out including more texture and potentially less frequent trips to the barber shop. 

Chat to your barber or stylist about which longer looks would suit your lifestyle and face shape, there may be more options than you think. 

Don’t Think About It Too Much

This sounds like the simplest piece of advice to follow, but if you’re one of those guys who’s constantly reworking or touching up your lid throughout the day then it can be easier said than done. 

Surfer hair is best when it isn’t too groomed. Sure, chuck in a bit of product to add volume but don’t overthink it. If your crown isn’t sitting flush or your cows lick has a mind of its own then embrace it! 

Remember too, less time in front of the mirror in the morning is more time in bed; or more time in the ocean. Either way, it sounds like a true surfer’s mantra to me. 



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